Zecuppa Coffee - Wholesale Coffee Prices

Wholesale Half Caf Sumatra

Half Caf Sumatra by Zecuppa Coffee
5 LB Bag - Whole Bean

Half Caf Sumatra - 5LB
Half Caf Sumatra - 5LB

PRICE: $48.99  Qty: 

All the great flavor you expect from this exotic coffee, yet only half the caffeine. This favorite coffee from Indonesia is bold, with magnificent body, almost syrupy richness, and a smooth complex flavor.

Half Caf Sumatra is roasted dark with light surface oil. Coffee orders are roasted and shipped the same day for superior flavor and freshness. Your fresh roasted coffee is immediately sealed in a foil valve bag.

Zecuppa Coffee makes the freshest specialty coffees available! Taste the difference. Delicious!