Zecuppa Coffee - Wholesale Coffee Prices

Wholesale Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee

Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee by Zecuppa Coffee
5 LB Bag - Whole Bean

Ethiopian Yirgacheffe - 5LB
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe - 5LB

PRICE: $47.99  Qty: 

From the birthplace of coffee, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe is one of Africa's finest coffees. Yirgacheffe coffee is smooth and rich with a distinctive floral aroma and fruity brightness. Considered the cream of the crop of Ethiopia's coffees, Yirgacheffe (sometimes spelled Yirgachefe) makes a magnificent cup of coffee. Yirgacheffe coffee is smooth, yet has a bright flavor comparable to premium coffees from Kenya and some areas of Central America. Yirgacheffe is roasted City+(medium brown) to preserve much of its varietal character.

Coffee orders are roasted and shipped the same day for superior flavor and freshness. Your fresh roasted coffee is immediately sealed in a foil valve bag.

Zecuppa Coffee makes the freshest specialty coffees available! Taste the difference. Delicious!