Zecuppa Coffee - Wholesale Coffee Prices

Wholesale Zecuppa Espresso Beans

Zecuppa Espresso Beans
5 LB Bag - Whole Bean

Zecuppa Espresso - 5LB
Zecuppa Espresso - 5LB

PRICE: $43.99  Qty: 

This espresso is great for milk based coffee drinks or stand alone espresso shots. It has an excellent mellow flavor that is medium bodied and smooth. While not too sharp or too heavy, this gourmet espresso shows well through milk and flavoring. Zecuppa espresso is roasted medium with very little surface oil and produces exceptional crema.

Coffee orders are roasted and shipped the same day for superior flavor and freshness. Your fresh roasted coffee is immediately sealed in a foil valve bag.

Zecuppa Coffee makes the freshest specialty coffees available! Taste the difference. Delicious!