Zecuppa Coffee - Wholesale Coffee Prices

Wholesale Bens Blend Coffee

BEN'S BLEND by Zecuppa Coffee
5 LB Bag - Whole Bean

Ben's Blend - 5LB
Ben's Blend - 5LB

PRICE: $45.99  Qty: 

Ben's Blend is a special blend of dark roasted premium Latin America coffees. Like it's namesake this blend is strong and lively. Ben's Blend is full bodied, has wonderful aroma, and a rich and slightly nutty aftertaste. An excellent breakfast coffee that will wake up your senses.

Coffee orders are roasted and shipped the same day for superior flavor and freshness. Your fresh roasted coffee is immediately sealed in a foil valve bag.

Zecuppa Coffee makes the freshest specialty coffees available! Taste the difference. Delicious!